Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with C

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (Other)

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Cue, Oscar ( - )
Cue, Pam ( - )
Cue, Pamela Rae ( --living-- - )
Cue, Pearl ( - )
Cue, Pearl (1929 Stillborn - 1929)
Cue, Penny Lee ( --living-- - )
Cue, Rachel (1832 Warren Co., IA - )
Cue, Rachel Jane (26 January 1833 - about 1895 Cowley, KS)
Cue, Ralph , Sr. (1912 Shellsburg, Benton County, IA - 1971 University Hospital Iowa City IA)
Cue, Ralph Clayton , Jr. (about 1942 - 1941)
Cue, Ralph Covell ( --living-- - )
Cue, Ralph Covell (8 September 1890 - )
Cue, Randall Howard ( --living-- - )
Cue, Randall Scott ( --living-- - )
Cue, Ray (about 1910 Benton Co., IA - 10 October 1987 Age 85 Urbana IA)
Cue, Richardo ( --living-- - )
Cue, Rickie ( - )
Cue, Robert (1830 - 1850 Drowned in Vermillion river in IL on trip east)
Cue, Ronald ( --living-- - )
Cue, Ronald Homer ( --living-- - )
Cue, Rose (1866 - )
Cue, Rose Mary ( --living-- - )
Cue, Roxie Ann (3 October 1902 Shellsburg, Benton Co. IA - 27 April 1991 At Her Home Oelwein, Fayette Co. IA)
Cue, Rozella ( - )
Cue, Ruby ( - )

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