Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with H

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Hanson, Holly Kaye ( --living-- - )
Hanson, Huldah Jane (8 February 1852 Muscatine IA - 7 January 1929 Lipscomb Texas)
Hanson, Isaac (1648 - 22 October 1706 Dover, Strafford County NH)
Hanson, Isaac ( - 15 January 1758 Dover, Strafford County NH)
Hanson, Jack ( - )
Hanson, Jacob , Jr. (3 August 1783 - )
Hanson, Jacob , Sr. (19 February 1746/47 - 19 June 1810)
Hanson, Jason James (13 September 1969 - 1980)
Hanson, Jeanie ( --living-- - )
Hanson, Jeffrey ( --living-- - )
Hanson, Jerry C. ( --living-- - )
Hanson, John (23 May 1681 Dover, Strafford County NH - 16 June 1727 Deerfield, NH)
Hanson, Jonathan (1742 - )
Hanson, Joseph (15 January 1704/05 Dover, Strafford County NH - 7 September 1758 Dover, Strafford County NH)
Hanson, Joseph ( - about 1749 Dover, Strafford County NH)
Hanson, Josephine Marie (28 December 1913 Ft. Pierre, South Dakota - after 1953)
Hanson, Joyce Elaine ( - )
Hanson, Judith (7 December 1703 Dover, Strafford County NH - )
Hanson, Julia E. (18 February 1921 Vermillion, Clay County, South Dakota - 26 January 1998 Sioux City, Woodbury County, IA)
Hanson, Junius ( - )
Hanson, Katherine Lenore (28 June 1902 Ft. Pierre, South Dakota - November 1974 Cerritos, California)
Hanson, Kenna ( - )
Hanson, Kenneth ( --living-- - )
Hanson, Kenneth ( --living-- - )
Hanson, Kenneth Mark ( - )

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