Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with M

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Morris, Ethel Irene (2 April 1908 Niagara Falls, Niagara Co., New York - 16 November 1988 Niagara Falls, Niagara Co., New York)
Morris, Ethel L. (24 September 1916 Allens Mills, Jefferson Co., Pa. - 19 September 1979 DuBois, Clearfield Co., Pa.)
Morris, Ethlin (about 1852 - )
Morris, Eva (12 October 1877 Ireland - September 1971 New Rochell, New York)
Morris, Evelyin ( - )
Morris, Eyoune ( - )
Morris, Ezekial (about 1749 - )
Morris, Fay E. ( - )
Morris, Florence Mary ( --living-- - )
Morris, Floyd (7 July 1895 - 22 May 1981)
Morris, Floyd ( - )
Morris, Frank , Jr. ( - )
Morris, Frank , Sr. (about 19 April 1886 Scheffield, England - about 1 April 1975 British Columbia, Canada)
Morris, Frank John ( - )
Morris, Franklin Dr. (about 1813 Bedford Co., Virginia - )
Morris, Fred Chester (14 May 1913 Evans City, Pa. - 25 November 1986 Butler, Pa.)
Morris, Garrett ( --living-- - )
Morris, George (about 1848 Rome, Bradford Co., Pennsylvania - )
Morris, George Edward (BET 1863 AND 1871 - )
Morris, Grace (about 1661 - )
Morris, Grace Elizabeth (19 November 1882 Warsaw Twp., Jefferson Co., Pa. - 12 June 1964 Falls Creek, Jefferson Co., Pa.)
Morris, Grant Ulysses ( - )
Morris, Guy ( - )
Morris, Halli ( --living-- - )
Morris, Hannah Catherine ( --living-- - )

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